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Opti Mist

01/12/18 12:57 PM

#3095 RE: Ispro #3094

Why do I want to buy back in?

To make money, as always.

I sold at 2.36, looking for the price to drop below 2, at which point I would buy my shares back and then sell on the FDA approval pop, supposedly on the 19th.

But, then I saw the article regarding the possibility of further dilution, which we have experienced before.

So, now I am watching very closely. I want to have shares when (IF) this company is finally sold (which has been their stated objective for years). I don't believe they are going to go it alone. But, every time they dilute to raise cash, they are diluting the eventual buy out price. The number of shares is killing our original %.

Bio's are tricky and often disappoint.
