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01/12/18 12:31 PM

#117389 RE: ORCA #117386

He can’t just change his mind on comments like that which ARE NOT forward looking subject to market conditions and other factors. As I see it, the CEO was quite convincing in that PR and now he doesn’t seem to feel the same way or we’d be current on OTC and communication would be flowing as was. Do I have to kiss their ass to get numbers? Be nice to them as an investor? What could Bravada possibly blame this absence on, money? They should have plenty of it considering all the rent they are saving. They have money to hire. They have money to advertise on Google. Where is the money going? Crickets.


01/12/18 11:00 PM

#117395 RE: ORCA #117386

Can someone post the phone number so more of us can contact the SEC?