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01/12/18 9:47 PM

#445550 RE: yambike #445442

"Then why doesn't Sammons file claims there? Why does he do it by way of questioning the legitimacy of Sweeney's court?"

As long as the citizens have the options to file their claims in any regular federal courts without any restrictions, then citizens do not have a cause to question legitimacy of USCFC courts.

Sammons cause arises because Congressional law is restricting access to regular courts for constitutional claims based on conditions. It seems logical to challenge the validity of congressional laws that restrict access to regular courts for constitutional claims.

Justice can be denied in many ways. The best example is, FHFA conservator's tactics of not only claiming immunity from judicial review but also claiming authority to grant immunity to other to violate any laws. Is a law that restricts filing claims only in some remote location like Alaska valid? If such legal restrictions are allowed, can not it be used to abridge constitutional rights of citizens?

The best option is to allow citizens to file claims in any state or federal courts in their jurisdiction.