Whooo! Hooo! The Beauty of UNGS without the Genius Deals or Dividends Ole Doc Anderson has done for UNGS the last year is that UNGS for the last 5 years has had at least one run a year and sometimes 4 or more. So yes I grabbed My Extra Shares along with a Front Row Seat. As the time is near. Last year UNGS ran from Jan. thru March with more volume than UNGS had shares. I turned 200% triples on Jan. 30th with over 1.3 billion in volume that day and over 2 billion Feb.7th. That time of the year is very very near. Now we wait for the fireworks to start.
When UNGS moves we move just like that! an .0001 to .0005 trade is the same as buying a blue chip for $100 and selling at $500. Most traders invest $10,000 in a blue chip hoping for 10 to 30% return. $10,000 x 30% = $3,000 I sold UNGS for doubles and triples last year
$10,000 = 100,000,000 shares x .0003 = $30,000 $10,000 = 100,000,000 shares x .0002 = $20,000 IT'S JANUARY once again I sold UNGS for 200% last Jan 30th. IT's About that time again for another UNGS run and fun. Signs for a UNGS 2018 run Volume, Excitement, Thrill and Euphoria. Soon the birds will be singing. The Flowers will be Blooming The Bees will be Buzzing and the Cannabis will be Budding! The Green rush is On and We On it! The Dot Bong Era has arrived! W.O.W Waiting on Who! No More UNGS should a, would a, could a, We got OUR Greater Cannabis GCAN Yes we GCAN_NABIS! GCAN whoo Hooo! GCan IPO. 211c ready GREATER CANNABIS COMPANY, INC. (GCAN) IPO From NASDAQ.com http://www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos/company/greater-cannabis-company-inc-1026213-83998
Yep! big UNGS news this Month. It is going to be another UNGS news day Tuesday today? GO UNGS $$$$$ Waiting, Watching....ready to run
Roses are red, violets are blue...UNGS Should blossom, this Should be true! UNGS Stepped out of the dark and into the light... With another big run That should soon take Flight. Six one way, half dozen another...next UNGS run could be better than Others. The unknown future, remains just that...we've took our shot, we swung the bat. The time is near, soon news will show... Ungsters with tickets could see Big $money$ Flow! UNGS hit them hard, Divvy's hit them Fast.... Soon Chaser will chase or get left in the past!
Woot! will UNGS repeat that .0001 to .0089 run many caught in 2014. All anyone has to do is look at UNGS history and see the Runs that we Slew. I only caught triples last year this we knew... With all of the divvies... and Big Deals thats for real... 2018 should take us UNGSTERS over the Hill... Ole Doc Anderson has taught us all how to share... Which gives naked short a shivering Scare.. They'll have to cover before Divvy day... Or get trapped with another divvy bill to pay! http://otcshortreport.com/company/UNGS Some say it's just MM's making a market but they have been Naked shorting UNGS for Months and Not filling my Buy orders timely. Many times I've had to call my broker after waiting for orders to fill all day and make them Squeeze the MM to fill my orders. The question is Why if theres Shares for Sell?