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01/10/18 5:47 PM

#13562 RE: lovemelongtime #13560

Link to where I ever said that?

I said he was not competent to run an oil company, had no experience running any business and that he limited our chances of finding oil and limited ERHC's chance of success.

He was handed $45 million dollars, the EEZ, the JDZ and full carries on 4 deepwater wells. His failures are well documented.

In ten years of trying he didn't develop any revenue stream, didn't find any oil, spent all the money, put the company in debt to the tune of $13 million, had an IRS lien placed on the assets, issued the equivalent of 300 billion shares of stock using toxic convertible debentures and took the share price of ERHC to .0001.

And I guess that qualifies as success in some people's minds. Unfortunately in the real world that is an abject failure.

BTW that job he got may well be unpaid since their website is a I hope he can find a real job somewhere. Hopefully in academia and not in the real world.