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07/02/01 6:53 PM

#9905 RE: Seahag #9903

u know what its not the my place to do research. i dont personally care.
its a matter of principal here.
u publish a report that u were burglarized, state the guy was caught on camera, insinuate it was a plot to ruin the company by an organized short campaign, then refuse to answer any questions put forth months later . then new management says its in the past we dont have to deal with it.
well there is a huge integrity issue with the company and mcbride and im sorry they should be dealing with it. its not going to go away. and stonewalling the issues will keep it in the spotlight.
like it is in life, until one deals and cleans up the past its hard to step into the future.
its not the actual this and that that bothers me, its just how sevu puts out crap and expect everyone to forget it and say " oh, its ok there must be a good eason why they did this or that"
alot of folks blindly will believe and accept that sort of explanation.
maybe its because they know people personally or whatever but unfortunately in the investment community as in life credibility goes along way.
when shareholders adddress certain issues then why do they get stonewalled. im talking at meetings not message boards, ok??
why do we have to ponder on why they do things?
why dont they just say"its an impending investigation....."
or "hey i said i was going to buy this many shares" and" yes on such and such a date i did."
i dont understand. maybe im a straight up guy and expect the rest of the world to be likewise.
im not talking sales projuections here ok? just principals.