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01/10/18 10:08 AM

#41616 RE: NONON2 #41614

Thats a good size project and well thought out. IMO


01/10/18 1:40 PM

#41627 RE: NONON2 #41614

Thanks for the heads up on this, NONON2!

Nice update, there's a new page for the Estrada company info, here's the direct link:

There's info here on the hotel that ESTRADA's building, it's the one that's in their presentation and it looks awesome! Looks high-end. I know Jan has said there won't be any high-rise buildings that would block the views in Cielo Mar, but I can see this sort of thing done with a sprawling complex built around a golf course or the marina.

Lucerna Website

Google Maps 360,-116.6553701,3a,75y,204h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1QO4ldb3Nq2GiIEiD1bzCg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x58725fe8a220a31a!2sLucerna+Tower+Hotel+Ensenada!8m2!3d31.8630546!4d-116.6558106!3m4!1s0x0:0x58725fe8a220a31a!8m2!3d31.8630546!4d-116.6558106

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