"Everything HD says is exaggerated" Really?
Let's test this hypothesis:
"SEC "employee goody" filings GET DONE..EU FILINGS..NO." So far 100% accurate, no exaggeration.
"130 PLUS BLOATED EMPLOYEE headcount..they're CUTTING PROGRAMS (so where's the freaking layoffs??)" Ok, so Her2 and Analvax are done....zero layoffs, no exaggeration there.
"ZERO proof they've "cut their costs/CASH BURN" Other than casting off two products, this is accurate.
"hey, "WE GOT THIS FOUR FRANCHISE THINGY". ANSWERING NO KEY QUESTIONS about how the biz is going to actually "work" or BE FUNDED or why the cash mgt is so poor and about 20 other vagaries it fails to answer." No answers to any of these questions, so no exaggeration.
"This is past BAD now...it's into serious CLUSTER F territory to me....they gotta deliver SOMETHING of value...or "the street" is gonna put this POS in the "write-off" column for good...and it's ALL a "Sr. MGT problem"...well, actually LACK OF Sr Mgt problem....cause they appear to HAVE NONE"
No exaggeration here, as all the previous comments prove it is accurate.