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01/10/18 10:16 AM

#212206 RE: groton68 #212195

Agree completely. Leo laid it on the line that deals would follow completion of P2 trials, which we must interpret to include analyzing the data and releasing the results, and that should come about shortly. Shortly means many things to each of us so whether that be a few days, a few weeks, a few handful of weeks, or a few months no one knows.

All the pleading and tearing out of hair for an immediate deal is nothing more than FUDster gamesmanship to make it look like mgt isn't moving things forward, when time and again over the last year Leo has showed that is not the case.

Though the clinical trial system of progress seems to move at an iceberg pace to overanxious stockholders, the good thing about it is one knows exactly where they stand in terms of time to completion based on patient enrollment rate, time last patient in trial started treatment, length of medication, followup interval, and finally an unknown but good estimation on analyzing the data and putting forth the results. Right now we are in the analyzing data stage and have a good idea we are within a number of weeks til they come out. Just when will never be known til data released, so pleading for a faster time frame serves no purpose other than to play into the FUDster's hands of trying to identify a problem that is just not there.

The main question is once we get data, how long then? We know Leo has been in contact with multiple BPs, but we know nothing as to how far along any talks have reached regarding bringing a deal to be signed. Has a partnership price been reached depending on strength of data, will pricing only begin once data is released, are new BPs coming on board to cause a restart in the negotiation process, etc, etc?

Either you believe Leo is getting the job done as quickly as possible according to the tenets he has stated for and deal or you don't. If you believe, the best support you can give is silence during this period. If you don't believe, you continue to bring up historical nonsense from years past, reiterate the current stock price on an hourly basis (even though everyone knows why price is low), and keep up the chant of "The sky is falling".

Think of the monies involved here. A deal is not going to happen overnight, not when you are dealing in Billions.