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01/10/18 2:06 PM

#1956 RE: JD400 #1955

Certainly one of America's finest folk type songs that commemorates our country's historic usage of trains and rail. Kudos to songwriter Steve Goodman, RIP. 1948-1984.

An article in the September 2017 issue of Trains magazine chronicles the writing and recording of the song and includes a biographical sketch of Steve Goodman.[1][/quote

Arlo Guthrie version[edit]
"The City of New Orleans"

While at the Quiet Knight bar in Chicago, Goodman saw Arlo Guthrie, and asked to be allowed to play a song for him. Guthrie grudgingly agreed, on the condition that if Goodman would buy him a beer, Guthrie would listen to him play for as long as it took to drink the beer.[citation needed] Goodman played "City of New Orleans", which Guthrie liked enough that he asked to record it.