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01/09/18 10:28 PM

#607 RE: GEEZ #606

Well..I'm not suggesting that. Just wanted to share where these people came from. They were actually involved with some very classified Government jobs/programs.

Sparrow was the sales/admin contact...and Steven was the tech researcher.. etc...

Stuart Trusty introduced Jack Ma to the internet...among other things:

“At that time, I had an office in the U.S. Bank tower, and Jack came and I showed him what the Internet was,” Mr. Trusty says. “Back then, the Internet was largely a directory for governments and businesses, but he seemed excited.”

Mr. Ma stayed with Dave and Dolores Selig, relatives of Mr. Aho, during his first visit to Seattle.

Mr. Ma returned home and set up one of the country’s first web companies, China Pages, an online directory for domestic businesses looking for customers overseas. Former colleagues say Mr. Ma worked tirelessly, knocking on doors, taking photos, collecting information and translating it into English. When done, he mailed the listings to VBN in Seattle to post on the web.