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01/09/18 5:14 PM

#83017 RE: SteveWin #83015

Go look at
Look at completed projects section
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01/10/18 9:18 AM

#83079 RE: SteveWin #83015

It's bad enough Sanp is just another 2 man fake ore mining stock that switched to F&%king marijuana stock that switched to Cryptocurrency stock. I mean it reads like a fake company that jumps on whatever bandwagon will help pump millions of shares. Did they go so far as to hire Chinese actors to take pictures with signing sh$t?

Either Sanp got lucky and Yuhuan really wants to merge with SANP to create Canoe Pool America or Canoe Pool has never heard of Sanp.

Can anyone who speaks Chinese reach out to Canoe pool and find out if they ever heard of SANP please????

Sample :( (I'm sick of fake stocks!)