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01/09/18 5:06 PM

#2637 RE: dia76ca #2635

What do you really think is going on in htbx? It is strange they pull that offering.

Full Contact Yoga

01/10/18 12:16 AM

#2638 RE: dia76ca #2635

That's inaccurate. According to actual filings, Sabby decreased their holdings from 9.7%, 3,250,000 shares, to 6.29%, 2,615,123,..they've dropped roughly 20% of their holdings, selling 634,877 shares, not increase...but, makes sense, I anticipate they will sell what they can leading up to the RS on or before 3/2/18, not too far away...roughly 38 days, but I would anticipate an RS a week or so before the drop dead, delist date of 3/2, need to accommodate filing and such, no hurry to not do it either. Look for a run up the week or 2 leading to the RS, might find a comfortable exit...Exactly like what just happened at RXII, very predictable.