CHUNKY44 thinks that the bonds were "given" to Rufus and Conversion Solutions.
Apparently, CHUNKY44 does not understand what CSHD does. Let's help him out some.
Conversion Solutions is an Asset Management company. They hold and manage assets. They use those assets to fund JV's. For use of those funds, the profits are split 50/50 between CSHD and the bond OWNERS.
Did CHUNKY44 think that Rufus claims to OWN the bonds? Apparently, CHUNKY44 has not been reading or listening. The bonds are OWNED by investors (not CSHD investors). Those investors hand the bonds over to Rufus to earn more money by allowing Rufus to CONTROL said bonds. By giving Rufus this CONTROL, he is able to claim them as ASSETS. Hence, Conversion Solutions is an ASSET MANAGEMENT company.