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01/09/18 11:24 AM

#7822 RE: SpaceManTrades #7821

Finalcut71, ive never shorted before, so i might try it.
I was also thinking about buying the dips. Just a matter of checking out the company and the chart. If it dips low enough, sure seems like a good idea. Especially if its a company like SGMD and the PPS is looking to jump on PR. Creates a good position to buy in.

I wish I was better at timing my buy/sell.
I know you cant perfectly time the market. But I feel like I could be significantly better.

I only started trading a few years ago, just before I left the Corps and until SGMD only delt with large cap. (Last duty station was in Columbus,OH!)

What "strategy" do yall use and rules do you all live by when trading?