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01/07/18 2:58 PM

#63598 RE: wedman #63593

Remove "when" from the question.

Will it get off grey?


01/07/18 9:02 PM

#63600 RE: wedman #63593

When will it get off grey?

It won't. It would have to file a Registration Statement with the SEC. If they do that, they would admit the prior estimates and other claims were fraudulent, and that is even before they go through the SEC review process.

It will not happen.

This is not the CEO's first SEC suspension, either. Look at his other suspended stock - he just let it die. Clearly, it is all about churning as much stock as they can before the SEC finally steps in. At that point, they just move on to the next stock and do it again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


01/07/18 10:37 PM

#63602 RE: wedman #63593

Never. It’s a SCAM. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Done playing games with this scam CEO and company. You’ll lose everything if you invest in this company and especially now that it is forever a gray sheet