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01/05/18 11:20 AM

#4956 RE: Sasc33 #4955

I got mostly out with that last big pump up to .07. I'm still sitting on a little over 100k but its pretty much worthless at these prices. I figured he would try it again and I could at least get something back but he's been quite since april. I wish he would go to prison. I think he would enjoy it there. What a scam.


03/01/18 7:22 PM

#4991 RE: Sasc33 #4955

Shame the market forces or law doesn’t go after this rat... only thing guaranteed about this (scam) company, is that it’s going to triple 0’s.. only way to make $$ is short to for the last .0024

Scam lie garbage “company”, run by a huckster fraud