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01/04/18 4:10 PM

#42540 RE: SFSecurity #42539

Hi Allen




01/04/18 6:10 PM

#42541 RE: SFSecurity #42539

Hi Toofuzzy, I forgot to add that a minimum sale of $500 would not have had any effect in the examples I used in my post as the smallest dollar amount would have been $833. The $500 minimum buy/sell I use is simply to avoid small amounts when back testing with a share price that is lower than about $7-8 when looking for possible new positions.

On another note, thanks for the info about AMZA as I was able to sell an $8 PUT for $0.50 today, dropping the price to $7.512/share, if the PUT is exercised. Taking the figures from the prior post of an 11% gain to a sale, that would only be to $8.35 to get a small number of shares sold for a bit of extra profit.

I was a bit surprised my sale happened so fast but then looking at the overnight drop from $9.005 to $8.50 it makes sense. Since the sale was done in my quite small inherited IRA it added a bit over 2% to the total. Nice.

And if it is exercised I'm going to do what I found when analyzing the GUSH transaction I mentioned before, sell a CALL on 2/3s of the total shares and run AIM on the total number of shares.

This will be especially nice if it takes a few months for the whole process after the PUT is exercised because of the rather generous dividend of $0.52/share quarterly over the last year or so.

I'll let you know what happens.

