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01/03/18 7:21 PM

#48147 RE: blueyedcatch #48146

Now it's time to head North.....$60 PLUS new CMO or CEO.....sold by June 2018
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01/03/18 9:17 PM

#48166 RE: blueyedcatch #48146

Blue, can you explain this post to me? I think it came out a bit unclear. What were you told by IR?
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01/04/18 7:42 AM

#48183 RE: blueyedcatch #48146

I was told that they had a sit down with Adage months ago,after the first attack. What was actually said in the meeting? We can only just guess,but I`m a cynic and I`m sure they were told that time is limited for short covering,before material news,,either a sale of the company,or big licensing deals. One thing that`s funny is that she told me Adage was done selling,and they sold more after the meeting. Go figure. IMO,Adage took the info,told Noelle and company what they wanted to hear,and are doing what they need to make the most profit. Will they run us up with news,the same way they drove us down into the gutter? I believe they will,mainly because they still have over 4 million shares long,so why not go up for the gold now?