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01/04/18 9:18 PM

#48483 RE: james885 #48458

Veal stated that HJOE wasn't going to relist. The path to the OTCM was more illogical rambling. HJOE is the gift that keeps on giving - the comedy is pure gold.

Also, it would be illegal for some shareholders keep their shares but others won't be getting any shares.

From a Veal email:

"No investor will lose their shares, but some of the toxic lenders are going to be looking at a haircut on their holding . it takes time and a few hurdles to move over to Delaware company, but its going to be better than playing the same game all over again. in the end they are going to praise us for what we are doing"

That is more rambling nonsense from Veal - only a HJOE shareholder would believe this - because that is all they have - is wishful thinking but they are still holding worthless shares.

Plus, Veal stated HJOE wasn't relisting.

"3. Some investors are asking if there will be a plan on ever relisting HJOE on a SEC exchange.

Not as part of this program. It's possible that we may do so down the road, but for now this plan is what we are focusing on. But that does not mean your shares are not coming along with you. All of these answers are subject to modification based on SEC rules, market conditions and whatever changes in the "Equilibrium" that the Company functions in. Hopefully we will see what needs changing before anyone else but we welcome anyone pointing out improvements that can be made at any time."

SMH! Please for all that is Holy - publish the Whitepaper - I hope it is as amusing as the update.