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01/03/18 11:58 AM

#43163 RE: wadegarret #43158


A stock can go down wade it has had a nice run lately. I mean I know it is absurd and something is rotten if a stock pulls back or consolidates according to you, but that is what is suppose to happen, things do not grow to the sky especially overnight, or in a matter of couple of hours no matter how much you want them to. Investing is about being patient, because guess what stock, sectors, and the broader market move on their own time. You spend too much time on what the hot sector is? who cares? If you diversify among sectors and seek out undervalued companies something will be in favor on this day, and if you pick enough right ones you will make money, but driving yourself up the nearest wall because AXAS is down what .03 today after being up .10 just yesterday alone is not healthy, looking back constantly and complaining about stocks you missed or moves you didn't make will not help you like your FCX debacle, I get it being self aware to realize you make mistake is fine, but constantly going on about it, look at recent example for me look at where I sold SBOW that was one stupid move in retrospect where I did, but I can't do anything about it now, so rather then focusing on that I focus on the stocks I own and more importantly finding the next stock I think that is gonna make me money. Of course there will be numerous that fail, but looking in front, and not behind is the best pathway for success in this business or any business for that matter, that doesn't mean you don't learn from things from the past, but complaining about it gets you nowhere. And worrying about the stock on every tick movement will not help you either in my opinion. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.