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07/02/01 1:18 PM

#2615 RE: smart_sassy #2614

>>So, Dennis, tell me how you really feel. <g><<

Believe me, kiddo, you don't want to know how I'm really feeling this week, and even that's an improvement over last.

>>I like Bez, Berg, WhatMe(fillintheblank) and Rogue.<<

Okay, I could go with those. At least, find out how they behave (I'm confident of Rogue and A_Mauvis and probably Bezark and WhatMe? Berg I haven't noticed that many posts from.
I'll trust to your judgement.

>>I just found out today that PurplePenguin posted on umedia's site and that ass posted private info on PP.<<

Which ought to cause PP to track down that jerk's ISP and request a suspension. Something very similar has happened to me recently on a local messageboard (by the web administrators themselves!) and I'm still seriously considering pursuing legal action for harassing communications.

>>I do think that umedia has friends at ABC and they are doing his nasty work.<<

Think it no more, know it for a fact. I don't know if the post has been deleted or not, but the guy explicitly posted that an old girlfriend he's still friendly with works in the Affiliate Relations Department at ABC and was able to pull some inside strings. He's actually boasted about his responsibility for bringing the board down.

Personally, I'm glad the main board was taken down, but I know it only means the jerkwads will move their action to the Topic Board. Actually, I think ABC should pull down ALL the boards until they can install some better frickin' software or at least correct the version they use now. The boards haven't operated correctly for weeks, and the way they delete posts and even whole threads almost at random, leaving what remains to cross-link, is really insulting.


07/02/01 3:32 PM

#2619 RE: smart_sassy #2614


I like Bez, Berg, WhatMe(fillintheblank) and Rogue. That is who I was talking about.

I wholeheartedly concur with Sassy on these posters. However, I doubt they'd be interested. Much like Scorp, I think they enjoy the unexpected appearance of passers-by and newbies, but you never know.

On the other hand, Dennis, be afraid of a_mauvis, be very afraid. She is a certified whacko. 8th will back me up on this one.

I'm quite positive she has used other identities to fuel the flames. On two different ocassions she accused both 8th and I of smearing her, when neither of us said anything. And under a another nic she spent half a day posting the most disgusting, foul-mouthed eom's towards me. When I called her on it, she admitted to it in a round-about fashion.

BTW, has a link to this site been posted at the other PI Alternative site? I hope not.
