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01/02/18 10:11 AM

#67632 RE: returns #67630

In addition, anyone who has actually worked inside or in upper management of any national company let alone international company understands that things take time. As long as the leaders are making the best and correct business decisions time should not be a factor in this type of investment.

It is folly to espouse that since one deal did not go through that the story is over. That may be the personality of the failure or the one who has no foresight. To this investor, the Tautachrome window is closing for some and opening for others. What I mean is that the incessant screams for production RIGHT NOW or the screams for the stock price to go up RIGHT NOW should fall on deaf ears. The time horizon should not be part of the equation in this investment. If you need immediate income there are many other tools and stocks and ETF's and index funds you can buy into and get immediate returns. This one, may be on the way up from here but those with steady hands have held through the ups and downs and will continue to hold.

When I buy a stock I prefer to hold a portion for many many years or even forever. I have yet to find a forever but I think TTCM will be it.

Having never been in a major start up business someone may say this company is trash because of the stock price or the delay in roll out of KlickZie. To them I say try dealing with the SEC, OTC, investors, patent office, contractors, banks, and the list goes on and on and on. When the patents hit the fan Dr. Leonard and crew will barely sleep at night. If they think the work load is heavy now, wait until then. They will be hiring dozens then hundreds of code writers, office help, maintenance people and office cleaners. The picture has not been completed. Not even close. MAYBE the outline has been drawn but as per the patents, the future holds the most incredible technology, not just the present KlickZie. As the IR guy said, the "snap back" feature will be in itself the takeover of all images posted by companies all over the world. They would be stupid not to use it.

I can go on. I suggest that you extend your time horizon a LOT. Be patient. This team leading TTCM is stellar. They are honest and have empathy. The latter characteristic is needed in order to protect us shareholders. Nothing has stopped Dr. Leonard from playing against shareholders (of which the ways he could have done this are many and tempting) except his empathy toward shareholders and his complete sell out in his mind to KlickZie.

This IS the team to be on my friends. After more than 23 years doing intermarket analysis, stock analysis, company analysis and the list goes on, I do not hold myself up as more than an armchair professional but THIS my friends IS the team to be on.

I wish you the best and peace in 18.


01/02/18 10:54 AM

#67634 RE: returns #67630

Is it your understanding that this release on Jan 15th will actually be a part of certain cryptocurrency exchanges? That would be huge if so. I'm just not sure if this attempt at blockchain will be independent and only available through their own home brew portal. Any info that anyone else has concerning this would be awesome.

As I have a couple million shares, I'm trying to figure out the best way to interface with these tokens.
