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01/01/18 12:22 PM

#321597 RE: 2ndstr2thert #321596

Good question and to design future trials, one must fully understand all variabkes in past trials

It is easy to see the fiduciary Duties of the new BOD would include discovering all unkown facts they have not seen, discovered or possibly were not told about or in sealed court records

Would we want the new BOD to go into business or M/A with any party hidden in those sealed court records and would Stephen White and others be proven 100% wrong in their assessment of valuations surrounding Peregrines IP? YES, very possible and phase II would possibly be seen as containing very valuable information hidden in those sealed court records...etc

Certified letters to BODs at Peregrine may need another letter that separately ask, if Firuciary Duties to corporation and shareholders are being met by seeking all sealed court records and all undisclosed collaborations as well as obtaining and analyzing all Biomarkers.

Funny how Precision For Medicine advised by Bird & Bird to buy Epiontis (both were working with PS Targeting Biomarkers data) and now PFM just announced expansion of Biomarker platform with close to $300 Million infusion of funds being invested...(which I say has to do with new knowledge of PS Targeting Biomarkers that were discovered on Sunrise and other PS Targeting data


01/01/18 12:52 PM

#321599 RE: 2ndstr2thert #321596

Will we ever get an analysis of why the control group exceeded historical norms in the Sunrise trial ? Was it because we started with relatively healthier patients in the control group ? Was it because there was a greater number of sick patients removed from the control group vs the Bavi group -leaving healthier patients in the control group ?
Shouldn't we have answers by now ? ? ?

They already published the arm comparison on patient status, and no unbalance was found.

There were no "patients removed". Once randomized, one is in the trial 'till death do them part.

As far as "the cause", no, you will never know because it can not be determined. It is very normal for comparison arms to exceed historical norms for many reasons. Enrollment criterion, new 2nd treatments approved experimental treatments, ,,,

You can not pin it on any specific reason. Perhaps the old BOD might try such, as they like to spin their failures. The new management has no need to pull out any datamining BS.