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12/31/17 1:59 PM

#78990 RE: surfkast #78988

The so-called "lies" are quite exaggerated.

Product sold in 2014. LIE! The product was for sale. It could be bought, couldn't it? Then yes, it was being sold.

China deal. LIE! It hasn't been announced as canceled yet. Who's to say it doesn't get finalized tomorrow?

No toxic notes. LIE! Who claimed no toxic notes? So claiming a lie is a lie in itself, it would appear.

Kiosks. LIE! 1PM, not NHMD, I believe. They have their own message board to raise that concern.

Indianan factory. LIE! Went to California instead. Plans change, OMG!

New flavors. LIE! What lie? They've been under development and will be available when appropriate.

Brick and mortar stores. LIE! 1PM, not NHMD, I believe. They have their own message board to raise that concern.

CVS, Costco and other deals. LIE! Has NHMD been sued for using their names or likenesses? Filings reveal there have been no lawsuits whatsoever. Obviously, there have in fact been talks.

Jeff West going to China. LIE! Unless one had a GPS tracker stuck to Jeff's body one could not possibly know that he didn't go to China. Claiming a lie is a lie in itself, it would appear.

Baron on the board. LIE! Ummm, please demonstrate how that was a lie. Good luck.

Product will be sold in Bristol Farms. LIE! Bristol Farms themselves confirmed it was coming. Claiming a lie is a lie in itself, it would appear.

On August 23, 2016, Nate's Food Co. reported that the Company had entered in to an arrangement with one of California's largest aerosol producers to begin production of Nate's Homemade Pancake and Waffle Batter. This will enable the Company to increase our marketing to regional grocery chains during the 4th Quarter of 2016 and begin sales during the 1st Quarter of 2017. LIE! Unless one were part of the aerosol producers management one could not possibly know that an arrangement wasn't entered in to. Claiming a lie is a lie in itself, it would appear.

The Company is confident that our relationship with Bristol Farms will open doors with other grocery chains and contribute significantly to the Companies growth during 2017. LIE! Bristol Farms themselves confirmed it was coming. Plans changed/were postponed. Sucks, yes. Still not a lie, though

Since April 24 th , 2016, the Company has been in negotiations with large manufacturing concern regarding a licensing agreement for Nate's Pancake and Waffle Batter. On May 18 th , 2016, the Company signed a Letter of Intent outlining the terms of the 10 year licensing agreement. Although it has now been just over 90 days, the Company is still actively engaged in the final negotiations of the contractual terms and provisions. Numerous complex details have already been addressed, but several issues still remain, including matters related to the licensee co-packing Nate's Pancake and Waffle Batter for the Company. The Company anticipates significant costs reductions will be available by taking advantage of the facilities of the licensee for co-packing services. The Company expects the negotiations will be completed in the coming weeks. The licensee still plans to begin production within 120 days of final execution. The Company anticipates the royalties received from the sale of the licensee's product will significantly contribute to the Company's revenue. LIE! I wish things were happening faster as well. Still no evidence of any lie.

Wade is gone. LIE!(Nate and Wade failed to get an S-1 on their new scam) Involvement in other ventures does not prove involvement here in NHMD. Please provide any evidence to the contrary.