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Jimmy Joe

10/03/06 3:43 AM

#40301 RE: gdepc #40294

Oh I fully agree G. With the bikini waxing yogurt in fun flavors this stock should get quite a boost especially in
vacation resorts like Cabo.

And all this time the negative people thought CYGXland did not have a FUN plan. Those Alfa Laval yogurt machines will be cranking it out for Colgate-Palmolive or Gillette just watch.
Soon it will go from waxing bikini lines to yogurting bald heads. Jerry Springer's Steve will have his yogurt smeared head licked by an audience member. Lawrence Wunderlick will also receive multiple lickings at the 2007 shareholders meeting. Ahhhh yes the fun has just begun.

On a serious note I will be on a short vacation fishing the
indian summer in what the best of October has to offer.

I know it is hard to stay patient during this time. We all crave news (well most of us do while some pretend).
Keep in mind the size of this "company". The number of employees working on the many facets of this company is tiny. Some companies have a hard enough time trying to make it work with 50 employees in one department let alone what CYGX has.
Also keep in mind the meager volume traded lately. Nobody is in a rush to buy so it seems then again nobody is in a rush to dump out so it seems.

Still there will be those who want news yesterday. And so it goes. (Thanks Linda E.)

back to you Arny...

James Joseph Meeker LTD
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10/03/06 6:58 AM

#40306 RE: gdepc #40294

Timeframe??? I've a job to retire from and a family to raise...let alone a honeydew list that rivals CYGS's list of commitments or things that they were going to do! When is the show going to bust?