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r clarke

12/28/17 9:04 PM

#70452 RE: Barrydeep #70451

Barrydeep, thanks for the suggestion to Google these guys

Interesting history with Darin, no wonder he is hanging with Kristul:

Frightening similarities with NNRF, Inc. (NNRI) and NTI/HCTI ????
The history of NTI,Kristul, Darin and Richard should tell you everything
you need to know?

Interesting the only experience listed for Darin is NTI/HCTI?


Hybrid Coating Technologies
Director of Sales & Marketing
Company NameHybrid Coating Technologies
Dates EmployedJun 2010 – Present Employment Duration7 yrs 7 mos
LocationDaly City, California

Nanotech Industries
Director of Marketing & Sales
Company NameNanotech Industries
Dates EmployedJan 2008 – Present Employment Duration10 yrs
LocationDaly City, California, USA

========== ===============


Chrf4 Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:47:57 PM
Re: sowhatsnext post# 9205 Post #
of 10122 Go
Thanks for the confirmation

Nellis is now involved with NTI and the planned merger of NTI into EPDS. NTI uses another Eurotech tech under a sub-license from Global Matrechs. The NuCap tech hyped by NNRI was the other Eurotech tech. I'm sure you will recall how these things were done.

Maybe Richard and Darin are at it again...
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sowhatsnext Wednesday, May 19, 2010 5:49:14 PM
Re: Chrf4 post# 9204 Post #
of 10122 Go
yes, he is the "son"...he was one of the family members used to split the sale of shares in order to stay within SEC "guidelines"


Chrf4 Tuesday, 05/04/10 05:49:11 PM
Re: None
Post #
of 10122 Go
Darin Nellis?

Can someone refresh my memory on Darin? Isn't he somehow related to Richard Wall?



yesbobber Monday, 02/23/09 04:08:53 PM
Re: crusoe post# 9042
Post #
of 10122 Go
On a lark, I recently tried calling the phone number listed at the bottom of their last press release and to my surprise somebody answered. It was Jim Hock. Jim was the former Investor Relations contact at NNRI. (hasn't been involved with the company for six months)

It was a short conversation but below is a summary of what he had to say: (for what it's worth)

* was disgusted with the management of NNRI for not getting out a recent audited financial statement. With no audited financials he saw no chance of availability of investment money. Especially for a pink sheet. Supposedly relayed his concerns to management. Also claimed foreign investment in Russian equities has slowed to a trickle in part caused by Putin's adventures in Georgia, etc.

* failings of the company weren’t helped by the lack of experience of executive management in running a public company

* wasn't sure what the company was doing now if anything

* wouldn't discuss Richard Wall
Anyway, what a total mess (or any other description one chooses to use) this has been. Lesson learned.


crusoe Sunday, 02/22/09 08:54:02 PM
Re: hanshi63 post# 9040
Post #
of 10122 Go
Thanks very much, Hanshi63.
Have any of this board's administrators tried contacting nnri management? (i was unsuccessful). So, what are the executives doing? Is the office open or not?


kingthorpe Tuesday, 05/27/08 06:11:48 AM
Re: gibson99 post# 6952
Post #
of 10122 Go
welcome back gibson..!!age old russian scam?...NO...

However you and batsam keep insinuating some sort of impropriety on behalf of the directors for those that do nt know the whole story i will keep this as short and to the point as possible...

Go back 20 years to a company called Orbit and you will find a man by the name of Richard Wall...that company was developing a product to encapsulate radioactive dust and an endcapsulation product...and of course the filings mention chernobyl yahda yahda...the end result is the company folded..

Then along comes eurotech and the same idea with a product called EKOR ....and later EKORs name was changed to fact eurotch blew 26 million developing and trying to market Nucap...and in the end sold off the rights to eventually Globalmatrachs...a company sugceeding eurotech was ATI and they gave it a run as well...thats when Peter Goerke entered the picture and ATI eventually became Brillant technolagies.....a sad history i know...and Richard Wall was involved with all them..

However i would like to point out some very important points..

1)...Richard Wall is the founder of NNRF and at the time of inseption was the largest shareholder of NNRF.

2)Richard Wall was never listed as a director or insider of Orbit,Eurotech,ATI,brillant tech,or NNRF..even thou he was active as a consultant and controlled more than 10% of the share count.

3)the demise of these past enties can be directly tied to toxic financing...eurotech ,ATI,brillant all used Navigator management to finance operations...current NNRF management will not use such operators...

4)Richard wall used promotion campians in the past to pump up the stock while he and his family sold stock, it doesn t take a rocket scientist to figure out how Danny Colon and Barry Davis recieved compensation...

5)Larry McQuade was invovled in Eurotech in a limited capasity,he is the seceratary of NNRF and has an office in NY at 42 nd street,he coordinates the meetngs of the BOD when meeting in NY,,,he has no operational roll and makes no company decisions....i have met the man and can say he is an honorable man and would n t be involved with a scam..

6)Nucap is no longer going to be used by NNRF,it has been replaced by Radseal...Radseal is a 2part product that can used in spray equipment...Nucap has usabliity problems because it is a 3 part system and you have limited time to work with the product and it is hard to spray ....and this remediaion aspect of the busness is very small for the past NRs on he Nucap product?phone Richard and ask him what happened...after all he would know best..hes been flogging it for 20 years..and while your at it ask him about the EP units...he would know because it was his son Darin who was the russian distributor...go figure..

7)Current management includes Todd Sinclar and Holt Smith,niether of witch has sold any shares,in fact Peter goerke,Valery Lebedev`,Alexander Stepanenko have not sold any shares either...all these people beleve in the company...where we get the 144 s selling is people compensated by Richard Wall and his family...just look at Darin Nellis his son...enoegh said...

8)NNRF is not a one trick pony....they have cash flow in AToll and have 10% of velcont...and another major acquistion on the well as a JV with AEM and ENC to build the Contianers...and the products Fiecom-biecom-bicoflex...all of witch are being well recieved....NNRF has much...much more going for it than these has been past companies that richard Wall was involved with ....the dots are connected...


kingthorpe Monday, 04/28/08 04:32:00 PM
Re: GIBBER post# 6509
Post #
of 10122 Go
Gibber...NNRF does not allow non emploees to write NRs?...when did i say that?

Richard Wall is the founder of the was his ideolagy that was put in place to form the company,Richard acts as a consultant for the company and has put togther certain deals,and has written the NRs on them,(EP units..with his son Darin Nellis)management in good faith believed them to be they have no reason to beleive they where not...the company does not let people outside the company write NRs ...

Richard had a brillant vison for NNRF and is a very savy negotiator...but things changed when he meet and befriended Barry Davis...Management has been pushing ahead with the vison Richard started out with as many things are in Advanced stages,Barry thinks he is going to step in and get Richard to make all these changes...witch will set the company back months if not a year...or unravel all the work they ve already accomplished and NNRF is back to square one...a shell.


kingthorpe Wednesday, 05/28/08 06:20:05 AM
Re: kingthorpe post# 6967
Post #
of 10122 Go
SO fast forward to summer 2006....Richard wall puts together a shell company to roll simular operations into it...and in haste picks up a pinks sheet stock....

Of the 22.5 million shares in the new shell 13% or 2.92 million go to the old stafford enegy people....3.3 go to Lebedev..3.3 go to peter Goerke...3.3 go to Stepanenko...holt smith gets 1.3 million...however there are 7.5 million shares not accounted for....?and there are 4.5 million shares that where converted to debt at 7 cents...who owned them?

Well its interesting that Matt from breakpoint trades interviewed richard and referrs to richard as the founder and largest shareholder of NNRF...yet doesn t show up as a director or 10 % holder of record?...yet if you look at the POOF line of credit agreement you ll see Janet(his wife) and darin Nellis putting up shares as colatterall...funny how Janets holding s come just under the 10% its obvious that Richard distributed his shares between his family to pass under the radar of the 10% rule...and what is even more revealing is Barry Davis handed out richard Walls phone number to shareholders and even mentions him in the conference calls...yet never shows up in any of NNRFs filings....

Funny thing is Barry Davis was targeted by stocklemon because of richard wonder if barry even realises that wrote up a partner of richard- Kurt Siefman back in 2002 with ATI..real classy. has to could this happen and what are NNRF prospects now?

Well the answers are complex...first off the current management knew little about past dealings of Richard with the exseption of Peter...and Richard put his money up to get things rolling...and suspected nothing of the dealing he brought to the table,as a founder and large shareholder not much was questioned untill the 144 s started to show up and revenue projections did nt shape up...Richard was selling privatly shares and the company had no idea as they don t show up till the buyer files 144 papers...

So now the Barry Davis Danny- Colon issue...let do the math...who could have compensated them?well the company could not have done so or they would have to diclose it...all the insiders have n t sold any shares or it would have to be disclosed...the only people left are Mercer and Richards group...Mercer did nt sell any shares to Barry..i phoned them and they assured me they didn there is only one source let that could have come up with 1.25 million one else had controll of that much stock back in early 2007.

In case no one know what the Danny colon issue is....well he was the one setting up the CCs and the web site stocktiger your feed still plays there)...

Hmm what a mess...and of course you have the EP units...of with Darin Nellis(richards son) negotiated MILLIONS(250 over 5 years) and yet has to record any revenue...all the while selling stock..(look at 144s....well management started to get the picture once no revenues happened and 144 started to come out...

well what has happened in the meantime is the company has progressed with the atoll acquistion,velcont and electroprivod....and have JV s with ENC and well as promising technolagies as Fiecom-biecom-bicoflex...ALL of witch have nothing to do with the Richard WALL crew...and even thou M...alll use navigator management death spiroll financing ....NNRF DID NOT...

So basicly they need to KICK Richard to the CURB and get on with bussiness...and plump the next bag of garbage Barry Davis right next to him...


kingthorpe Wednesday, 05/28/08 05:34:17 AM
Re: Batscam post# 6965
Post #
of 10122 Go
Batscam...i think its obvious somethings smells bad...many posters even on stocktiger know something wierd has happened but don t know what...and to your credit have put some of it together..however its bits and pieces and you as well as all sahreholders need to understand the whole picture...

Go back to 1996 and Richard Wall is involved with a company called Orbit...they have a product called PET (polymer encapsulation technolagy)...and even in the filings they mention chernybol as a use for the product...a lawsuit ensued involving Richard wall and he ended his involvment later in 1996...also involved was a man named Kurt ll see why i mention him later...

So then Richard and son(CHAD) join eurotech along with Kurt Siefman (ERBC Holdings, Limited) and viola EKOR is born as Oleg L. Figovsky joins the group...EKOR was owned by Kurchatov Research Holdings, Ltd and CIS....The outstanding common stock of KRH is owned of record by ERBC ...EKOR later is renamed Nucap....eurotech gets involved with toxic financing (navigator) and now trades at they roll it into ATI....

On February 1,
2000, the Company changed its name from Kurchatov Research Holdings, Ltd. to Advanced Technology Industries, Inc.Peter goerke was the Vice President of Kurchatov Research Holdings, Ltd at the time...By agreement dated November 30, 1999, we transferred to Eurotech all of our rights to an interest in the EKOR Compound,Peter Goerke joined ATI as Vice President in March of 2000...and of course you have Richard wall involved here as well....and Kurt siefman owned 45% of ATI...and ofcourse they use Navigator management for financing...and thus failed...and Richard was named in legal proceedings in that stock as well...

ATI eventually changed there name to Brillant technolagies....and try to go down the same path...brillant eventually fired Peter and other directors to start something different..
Peter Goerke, a former Vice President of Brilliant, initiated legal proceedings against Brilliant for the value of his remaining employment agreement, accrued wages and expenses. A German court ruled that Mr. Goerke is not entitled to the remaining value of his employment contract and is only entitled to collect approximately $197,486. As of March 31, 2007, Brilliant has accrued such amount. Mr. Goerke has filed for a lien against certain assets of Cetoni Umwelttechnologie Entwicklungs Gmbh ("Cetoni"), one of Brilliant's wholly owned subsidiaries.

And yes Brillant used navigator to finance operations...

In 2003 global matrechs liecences EKOR(Nucap) from Eurotech..and even as early as In 2000, EKOR was successfully demonstrated to contain radiation from Chernobyl's Unit Four...long before NNRF came along...and agian navigator was used as a financing vehical...

SO...along comes 2005 orbit...Eurotech...ATI..Brillant..and soon to be Global matrechs have bit the dust...and NNRF is born out o a shell...touting simular ideas of past glory...

kingthorpe Saturday, 08/02/08 05:59:40 AM
Re: None
Post #
of 10122 Go
One of my beefs with management is why has Richard walls relationship or darin Nellis never been disclosed?

Of the original 22.5 million shares 2.9 went to the old stafford shareholders....the insiders got
Valery A. Lebedev, Ph.D. - CEO 3,333,334 9.60 %
Common J. Holt Smith - President (1) 1,363,000 3.92 %
Common Alexander S. Stepanenko - COO 3,333,333 9.60 %
Common J.P. Todd Sinclair (1) - CFO 432,000 1.24 %
Common Peter Goerke - EVP & Secretary 3,333,333 9.60 %
Common Lawrence C. McQuade - Chairman 100,000 *
Officers and Directors as a Group (6 parties) 11,895,000 34.24 %
So richard walls family had 7.5 million shares...then on June 30, 2006, the Company received $342,128 in loans from various third parties shareholders. The loans were non-interest bearing and were payable on demand. On July 1, 2006, the lenders made demand on the Company, and the Company agreed to the conversion of $342,128 of outstanding principal into 4,593,073 shares of common stock, conversion of $0.07 per share.

A huge chuck of that was from Richards family at then the family had around 10 million shares plus ...he divided them up to his wife and 2 sons and his mother so as to be individually under the 10% insider they don thave to file when they sell....

But my point is a group they should have disclosed there holding and been subject to insider rules because they like in the past are acting as a group...3 points show this clearly...

1)Janet Wall and darin Nellis both put up stock as security for the line of it shows they where acting togther..
2)Barry davis and danny colon where compensated over 2.1 million one member of the family owned that many fact several members distributed again it shows they where acting togther as a group...
3)Darin Nellis President, Managing Director Power Quality Holdings, Inc. entered into an agreement with NNRF and issued several NR relating to the EP units...not even disclosing his father is the founder of NNRF and he is a signifagant shareholder...

How is it Richard wall and his family where never subject to insider rules?..when everyone was wondering where all these 144 stock was coming from it was from this group...and those they sold cheap stock as compensation for pumping the stock...


Lots of posts for NNRF, especially around 5/28/08 to 9/10/08

You would probably do well to read them to understand more about at least one of the players at HCTI