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12/27/17 6:40 PM

#145 RE: crazy horse 0 #144

Top Democrat Basically Admits They Have NOTHING on Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff, the publicity whore and ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, doesn’t miss a chance to plead his (wholly political) case against Trump anytime he can find a TV camera to stand in front of or a newspaper willing to waste some ink. It was in the latter forum that Schiff found himself this week, telling readers of the Wall Street Journal “What We Know About the Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Russia.”

If Schiff were being honest, he would have left the actual op-ed blank.

Instead, he literally told us “what we (already) know” about this nonsense case and nothing that we didn’t. Which means that he utterly failed to convince even one unpersuaded reader that Trump is guilty of the crimes he’s accused of. In fact, readers who were leaning towards Robert Mueller’s side in this matter may have realized, when reading Schiff’s screed, that there is a lot less “there there” than they previously imagined.

In the piece, Schiff reminds us that Trump asked Russia to give us the 30,000 missing Hillary Clinton emails, an obvious joke that people on the left still insist that we take as a serious act of collusion with a foreign power. More than a year’s worth of congressional and FBI investigations, and this is still one of the best pieces of “proof” Schiff can offer? We’re not exaggerating when we say there’s better evidence of the Loch Ness Monster’s existence.

Schiff goes on to tell us about Mike Flynn, Rod Rosenstein, Jim Comey, and a lot of other stuff that anyone who has paying even vague attention to the news over the last year already knows about. He introduces us to NOT ONE SINGLE piece of new evidence. Either he is hiding this evidence behind closed doors or he does not have it. And if he is out there in the pages of the Wall St. Journal trying to convince the country that the president is guilty of treason – all the while knowing he has NO evidence to back up the claim – then we say that it is SCHIFF who is guilty of treason.

The silliest argument Schiff makes is to say that because Mueller has brought indictments against several of Trump’s associates, it is proof that there’s something substantial to the case. Well, that would be a humdinger of a claim…IF the indictments actually had anything to do with the subject at hand. So far, however, they do not. Paul Manafort and Rick Gates have been charged with financial schemes that occurred long before the 2016 election; George Papadopoulos and Mike Flynn have been charged with lying to FBI investigators. No one – NO ONE – has been charged with anything that resembles collusion with the Kremlin.

If Mueller charges Jared Kushner with jaywalking, we suppose the president’s house of cards will really collapse.

Schiff and his fellow Democrats are too far out on this collusion limb to simply admit they were wrong. Now they are determined to find something – anything – on which to “get” Trump. Whether or not this was a mere witch hunt from the very beginning, it has certainly turned into one. And sooner or later, the people who voted Trump into office in good faith are going to get really, really sick of watching these Washington swamp creatures try to invalidate their voice.
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12/28/17 12:10 AM

#191 RE: crazy horse 0 #144

Indeed they did.