Checking both Cayman Islands Filings Form 13G Filings for them - He’ll Be Holders and don’t see him being a Shorter but a Profit taker and even then he holds Long term for the Big Bucks
Players here are Players and Cayman Island Guys can also be a Middle-Man for some Northern Buddies but Filings for the Cayman guys are large in all their different Holdings
Players here are Playing the Players as every share here are wanted by all - Even when there is a dump, Players grabbing those that think they made enough, Lot of money floating here - Almost a $1M USA side today - Lot of $0.10 still sitting here and almost a year they couldn’t get many below $0.45 - Warrant Holders then Held them $0.25 BLO Warrants - This last run - Maybe some Exercised because they post as Warrants or Options, but even then out of 8.6M Warrants - 1.3M Maybe Exercised
MD&A this week will tell the tell hopefully - It’ll show end of October as to who has what and Sub-Events might not really tell - We’ll get the Totals probably as before (Warrants or Options), Both was about 8.6M each and 1.3M showed for November but those 1.3M Options was in December so expect at least that many if not the 14.8M left of those Old Warrant & or Options
A large venture capital group From the U.S. has been buying shares of BLOZF over the last two weeks. I believe the amount of shares they are buying will drive the stock to $2 by the end of the week.