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12/26/17 12:17 PM

#32001 RE: vm86 #32000

IMO we are still below earth, $.75 Canadian is on the Ground.

We just came from 6 ft under. imo

It will be interesting to see if the OTC holds up today and if so, where the TSX will start the day tomorrow!

As long as there are sellers for the accumulators, it shouldn't get too crazy.


12/26/17 12:28 PM

#32002 RE: vm86 #32000

I don't believe that is the case here. This stock has been rediculusly undervalued for a long time. I believe the share price has been spring-loaded since the release of the BFS and the two recent superb news releases have pulled the trigger. In case you are not aware, we are awaiting an announcement for project financing at anytime now...of course this all my opinion.


12/26/17 3:47 PM

#32022 RE: vm86 #32000

This is just one opinion, but, my guess is that if it is true that much of the buying is from the same investors who recently sold to take a tax loss, they are not the same type of investors who buy a short term position only to take a short term gain.

These tax loss buyers are generally in it for long term positions which will reap more profit than short term positions now that the project has been substantially de risked with the POTUS's Executive order.

There is also just way too much positive news to come out that could spike the stock on various days and most investors don't want to be out of the market when that happens.

As you may recall, back in November, I warned on this message board that what we were in a volatile period and that positive news was impending and could occur at anytime prior to the end of the year. That prediction came true.

I based that prediction on the DOD and Armed Forces recommendations which we all knew were due out in December, the NIO/IBC scandium results and Mark's public disclosures that there was serious interest that a certain financial backer was interested in buying in 100% and others that wanted to invest in the project.

For those who took a tax loss in the 30's and 40's, unless they held their positions for 30 days or more before they buy back in, they won't be able to take advantage of the tax loss deduction and are better off just abandoning the tax loss and buying before the price keeps escalating.

For those who did sell for tax reasons in October, November or October, and met the 30 day waiting period, it is likely that most but not all the investors are having to buy in at a higher price than what they sold for.

It is my opinion that we are still in for a volatile positive news cycle for many months to come so short term buying just to sell in a short period of time is risky because they may be out of the market if the price spikes on significant financing or other news. The greater play and where the big bucks going forward IMO is in a long term hold.