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12/28/17 3:42 PM

#294 RE: oxnous #292

My hope is that they have been quietly working hard, walking through the extensive process of bringing their product to market. I do think that if ag pro works like I believe it does and management executes, 2018 should be a great year. Happy New Year to you and all grog IR employees.


12/29/17 3:51 PM

#295 RE: oxnous #292

LOL. I think not.

Funny how when people are positive on a stock, it is presumed that they are IR folk and not just a shareholder who is invested because they like a company's business plan and/or product(s).

Just like a basher is either a disgruntled ex-employee or previous consultant-- IR or otherwise.

Holiday season is over after this long weekend. Hope to see news out of the company soon. Any news showing more orders/shipments would help this price big time.



01/04/18 1:34 PM

#297 RE: oxnous #292

Well, I thought we would see activity this week. Many companies kinda hold news over the holidays as investors are not watching. I guessed that would have been true here. But no news this week. I was wrong. Positive is whoever was selling end of last year is done. Hope for some substantial PRs