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12/22/17 7:33 PM

#14631 RE: nobodysbusiness #14630

It is laughable that the company present its DO NOTHING Board as preferable to ANY change.

If I was a shareholder, I would throw my lot in with whoever is pushing for change--and willing to do it.

CTTC is where it is at because they do NOTHING when it comes to conducting oversight of the Great Mir!


12/22/17 9:03 PM

#14632 RE: nobodysbusiness #14630

This press release ALONE shows how inept current management is.

Note this: "Eighty percent of Calmare’s Board and its entire management team are committed to executing the Company’s strategic five-year plan to drive enhanced stockholder value. Calmare continues to pursue its strategy to grow revenue and will maintain its focus on current strategic initiatives, by gaining FDA approval for more of the Company’s devices and selling the devices to a large customer base following FDA approval.

Calmare noted that stockholders should be aware and concerned that the Minority Complaining Group is attempting to take control of Calmare’s Board and the Company without providing a detailed and credible plan as to how they would create long-term stockholder value when considering the various regulations Calmare is subject to in selling its devices."


executing the Company’s strategic five-year plan to drive enhanced stockholder value. Does anyone here KNOW what the 5 year plan is? Why not, if there was a plan?

gaining FDA approval for more of the Company’s devices and selling the devices to a large customer base following FDA approval. WHAT other devices?!!

without providing a detailed and credible plan as to how they would create long-term stockholder value When is the management team going to provide shareholders with a "detailed and credible plan"?

The idiocy of this press release is beyond the pale.

CONRAD, PETER, --the rest of the Board! Please leave! Give the company a chance for a change.