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07/01/01 3:28 PM

#1019 RE: Bird of Prey #1018

Oh tempestuous one! The only violence today will be the swift brutal destruction of your self-esteem while I bash you about the head with wit and witticism! As the reality in which you grasp is torn away and your world comes crashing down, screams of mercy soon will replace that impudent, arrogant tongue. Although you beg no clemency will be granted.

Like a knife through butter, or a scythe sweeping through the grass, Or to say it like I will hear you say it yourself…

“Big Bad Paule Just kicked Some Ass!”

Recovering from the uncanny carnage unleashed upon your very soul. Be prepared o Jester of fools, for many haunting years of tormenting psychosis as you try rebuilding that tattered libido from the pile of rubble it was reduced to! May God have mercy, for I will have none!
