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10/02/06 7:31 AM

#2229 RE: bartermania #2227

J.A.I.L. Is Certified as Amendment E for the November 2006 Ballot in South Dakota!


$$$ Your Donations Urgently Needed $$$

Ron Branson, Founder

The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, J.A.I.L., is a single-issue national grassroots organization designed to end the rampant and pervasive judicial corruption in the legal system of the United States. J.A.I.L. recognizes this can be achieved only through making the Judicial Branch of government answerable and accountable to an entity other than itself. At this time it isn't, resulting in the judiciary's arbitrary abuse of the doctrine of judicial immunity, leaving the People without recourse when their inherent rights are violated by judges.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
~ Lord Acton, in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 1887.

Soon after the founding of our Republic the Founding Fathers realized there was insufficient check on the Judicial Branch of government:

"The constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes. Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law."
~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Judge Spencer Roane, September 6, 1819. "The Writings of Thomas Jefferson," edited by Andrew A. Lipscomb, vol. 15, p. 213 (1904).

In a government by the People and for the People, it is to the People that accountability must be enforced. With the passage of J.A.I.L. accountability to the People in mass will be achieved by Special Grand Juries dedicated to this purpose. These People, who are not officers of any other branch of government or members of the Bar, will be publicly drawn by lottery for limited terms. Complaints will come before them only after every other legal remedy has been attempted. They shall have the power to strip judges of their protection of judicial immunity who are the subject of complaints for criminal acts, and to investigate, indict, and initiate criminal prosecution of wayward judges.

The granting of such power to these Special Grand Juries can only be accomplished through amendment to the Constitutions of each state. Since there is a need for these juries on the federal level there is also a provision for a federal J.A.I.L. Bill. Since there are powerful vested interests in the status quo, and because it is human nature for men always to seek more power and against it to surrender any of it, passage of more than ineffectual cosmetic reform will require the initiative process.

J.A.I.L. is intended to prevent the following acts of judicial malfeasance:

- Any deliberate violation of law
- Fraud or conspiracy
- Intentional violation of due process of law
- Deliberate disregard of material facts
- Judicial acts without jurisdiction
- Blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case
- Any deliberate violation of the state or federal Constitutions

Once passed, the unconstitutional doctrine of Judicial Immunity applied unconditionally will no longer shield a judge guilty of any such misconduct. Some examples of the above misconduct J.A.I.L. addresses are ignored laws, ignored evidence, eminent domain abuse, confiscation of property without due process, probate fraud, secret dockets, falsifications of court records, misapplication of law, and other abuses. When passed decisions in family court will be governed by law rather than the vested interests of the state. The unconstitutional doctrine of Judicial Immunity applied unconditionally will be eliminated by instituting a fair and effective means for its removal in cases that merit it.

The need for the passage of J.A.I.L. is urgent. Lives and finances are being ruined, properties are being lost, innocent people are going to jail, and families are being torn apart and destroyed.

Dr. Les Sachs, a writer, journalist, and published expert on American corruption now living abroad, wrote in his article Portrait of America's Legal System:
"The reality is that the United States of America, which proclaims itself the 'land of freedom,' has the most dishonest, dangerous and crooked legal system of any developed nation. Legal corruption is covering America like a blanket." As time passes these problems will only grow worse manifesting all the more the need for the passage of J.A.I.L.

"JAIL4Judges is the best hope of a practical program for restoring justice in the USA."
~Dr. Les Sachs.

With passage of J.A.I.L., the People will finally be assured of receiving Due Process of Law in all court proceedings which will include the requirement that judges:

1) Address all facts presented by the complaining party according to the evidence shown on the record;
2) Consider opposing facts and evidence as against, and relating to, that of the complaining or moving party (not just arbitrarily superseding plaintiff's facts and evidence);
3) Apply the appropriate law to the facts determined to be relevant and material to the case according to the evidence of record (considering all evidence of both sides without partiality or bias);
4) Submit written findings of fact and conclusions of law in all actions and proceedings-- including a written explanation for motion dispositions-- to legally support the judicial decision reached;
5) Bring the case to a lawful conclusion in a timely fashion as specified by law.

There will be no more arbitrary decision-making by judges.

This Due Process of Law will provide the People Redress of Grievances against their government in an open, honest and complete manner without any appearance of impropriety. The People's unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness, which include but are not limited to:

- The Right to acquire, possess, and protect personal and real property;
- The Right to be secure from intrusion; and
- The Right to privacy will no longer be "alienated" by government.

The Bill of Rights will be enforced for each individual, providing "Liberty and Justice for All."
The J.A.I.L. initiatives have been customized for each state and can be viewed at the web pages for the individual states and for Washington DC for the federal version.

Our pioneer state for the passage of J.A.I.L. is South Dakota where we expect victory in November 2006. Unlike what was originally thought, there is plenty of corruption to go around-- even in South Dakota. Citizens of South Dakota have expressed outrage at the corruption they see in their state. Two primary examples are:

1) A man in Sturgis by the name of John Eggers who is a 31-year veteran (now retired) Sheriff of Meade County handed Mr. Branson the front page of the current issue of the Black Hills Press newspaper with his picture on it, in which he was being presented a plaque in his honor. The caption read that the Mayor of Sturgis has proclaimed August 9th as "Sheriff John Eggers Day." Sheriff Eggers was very bold in his opinion about the South Dakota judiciary, and allowed us to quote him as saying, "I am well familiar with the judiciary in this State of South Dakota, and this J.A.I.L. Initiative is very much needed here." Sheriff Eggers also said, and we quote, "No one is above the law," referring to the judges of South Dakota.

2) A man in Deadwood, a small mountain community of about a thousand in population, said "I know two judges who should be in prison, not on the bench." When asked if he was speaking about the State of South Dakota, he emphatically responded: "No! I mean right here in Deadwood!"
J.A.I.L. is the People, providing the means by which they can carry out their right and duty to restore the rightful station of government by holding the judiciary, as the intended guardian of their rights against arbitrary power, accountable to the People under constitutional law.
To those who have an ear to hear, let them hear:

- J.A.I.L. is - the Common Denominator of all Organizations
- J.A.I.L. is - the Unifier and the Cause of all Causes
- J.A.I.L. is - the One size fits All
- J.A.I.L. is - the Redress and the Enforcement
- J.A.I.L. is - the Heart of all Accountability
- J.A.I.L. is - the Missing Ingredient of our Constitution.
