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12/20/17 8:29 PM

#28854 RE: WhiteOwl #28853

Amen to that.
2018 will be the year this starts to climb.
Be ready.

WhiteOwl, all that squirreling away you've been diligently doing for the past years will start to grow in leaps and bounds as target dates come into focus.

I've very excited for the Special Dividend that I've been discussing for years to come to fruition.

Key West for the Yacht Party?

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12/20/17 10:05 PM

#28856 RE: WhiteOwl #28853

Yes all it takes is one.
But infringement doesn't mean large cash award, how vital is that one?
WHich one?
The more claims we have go through the better of course.
The more claims being infringed upon, then obviously it must be pretty vital. Have to think in terms of what a jury will think.
MOre importantly if ATVI is only facing 1 claim 6 claims or 55, well then it becomes harder and harder to dodge that bullet the more claims over the more patents.

So lets say they get found guilty on 1 claim out of 6, just for example.
Now the jury must decide how much is that worth based on the expert testimony. It becomes overwhelmingly easy to award larger cash award the more claims and patents that are being infringed upon. If we get all the claims back, it becomes awfully hard for ATVI to want to go to court knowing that, more apt to settle, vs ATVI may say lets roll the dice if we just have 6 claims or less.

It is not just are they guilty of infringement, willfull infringement, but how much is that worth. A lot will ride on the expert testimony as to their value to the games in question and how many claims they are infringing upon.
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12/20/17 10:12 PM

#28857 RE: WhiteOwl #28853

The other reason its important.

246 million shares.

Lawyers get a 30% at least I would suggest chunk of that money.
So lets say a 100 million dollar award gets handed out.
Now thats 70 million left after lawyers. Minus the accrued costs,
70 million divided by 246 million is only .28 cents a share thereabouts.
Less claims means more likely to go to court, so now you have to deal with appeal by ATVI, you know they will.

Yes there will be other infringers, but if go to court, and then appeal, do they go after other infringers while dealing with appeal? WHo knows, maybe, maybe not.

Again, I think this has a huge potential, but by no means is 1,2 3 bucks or more a guarantee,