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12/19/17 5:14 PM

#275792 RE: F6 #275784

North Korea and Russia unite before possible U.S. peace talks

AM Joy

North Korea has stated it will negotiate with the United States if Russia is at the table. Joy Reid and her guests discuss the foreign policy and diplomacy moves some are calling Donald Trump’s checkers to Vladimir Putin’s chess. Duration: 8:03

©2017 , [with comments]


Libya slavery: Libyan slave trade revealed in shocking report

AM Joy

Reports of a Libyan slave trade have sent shock waves around the world, but Joy Reid’s guests tell AM JOY that slavery in Libya is unfortunately not new, and will require international efforts to end. Duration: 6:57

©2017 , [with comments]


Sexual misconduct of powerful men: Sexism in election coverage?

AM Joy

Powerful men in media have been removed due to sexual misconduct allegations. Did their allegedly troubled history with women affect the outcome of the 2016 election due to possible sexism? Joy Reid and her panel discuss. Duration: 15:20

©2017 , [with comments]


GOP tax plan passed but former McCain campaign adviser votes ‘no’

AM Joy

The Senate and House tax bills are a ‘massive corporate tax break paid for by the middle class,’ Steve Schmidt, former senior campaign adviser on the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain, tells Joy Reid. Duration: 7:37

©2017 , [with comments]


Flynn and Russia: Trump associates don’t recall campaign details

AM Joy

Michael Flynn admits to lying about Russian contacts, but some Donald Trump associates claim not to remember any of Flynn’s actions during the Trump campaign. Joy Reid and her panel discuss. Duration: 11:15



How to Fake Raw Unedited Footage

Published on Dec 3, 2017 by DarkAntics [ / , ]

You dare to disbelieve the great Steven Crowder? What are you, a flat-earther?! Crowder is a ridiculous man-child. Here's how to fake unedited footage. Here's a link to how to craft custom voice commands for Alexa:

A user named MooseContrarian informed me of a way he did it that's even indiscernible in the logs, so actually displaying the logs wouldn't prove anything either: "Running a local dns server and catching/redirecting the requests the bots make for data. They’re just web requests. Slap up an Apache instance and play around with the challenge/response a bit, nbd. To Alexa, she connected to the server at the address she expected, asked a question and got a reply."

At this point, I'd only believe Crowder if Amazon independently admitted that this was happening.

Crowder's video:

OMG HOAX?! Did Crowder Fake Amazon Alexa Video? | Louder With Crowder
Published on Nov 28, 2017 by StevenCrowder [ / , ]
Steven Crowder addresses the wild accusations that Louder With Crowder’s ‘Amazon Alexa’ video was a hoax.
Pop culture and politics from the most politically incorrect comedy channel on the web. Hippies and Muslims hate me! [with (over 5,000) comments] [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following (earlier this string)]


Full Show - As Russian Hoax Implodes, Leftists Devolve Into Nazi-Like Tactics - 12/03/2017

Published on Dec 3, 2017 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Sunday, Dec. 3rd 2017[, with an appearance by Matthias Thorpe]: Fake News Tanks Stock Market - An ABC News report that turned out to be more Russian collusion fake news briefly plunged the stock market on Friday. Despite that, the stock market continues to break records as the Senate passed the most significant tax cuts bill in 31 years. Also, the FBI is in hot water with Republicans after it was revealed that a key FBI agent in Mueller’s probe was removed due to anti-Trump bias. We’ll discuss what that means for the FBI and its witch hunt against President Trump. We’ll also talk about what the economy-boosting tax cut bill will mean for you and your family on this worldwide transmission. [with comments] [the edited official Alex Jones upload at (title and text adapted from; with comments)]


Eternal Sunshine Of The Trumpless Mind

Published on Dec 3, 2017 by Funny Or Die [ / , ]

Joel (Jim Carrey) just can't handle the Donald Trump presidency, but lucky for him the good people Lacuna, Inc. are here to make his mind totally Trumpless. [with comments]


"Day 318" Super Moon over The Donald Trump Zion Empire !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Published on Dec 3, 2017 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

"Day 318" The Super Moon over the Donald Trump Zion Empire !!!!!!!!!! [with comments]


stashed December 3, 2017:

‘I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn’: Trump goes on tweetstorm about the FBI

Trump Attacks The FBI On Twitter, Urges Followers To Sue ABC News
Just another Sunday morning for the president on social media.

Mueller Removed Top Agent in Russia Inquiry Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts

Russia-Trump: President hits out at FBI over Russia inquiry
Donald Trump lashed out at the FBI on Sunday, issuing a fresh denial that he asked former director James Comey to drop an investigation into the conduct of one of his top aides, Michael Flynn.

Trump's lawyer says he was behind President's tweet about firing Flynn

Trump says he has nothing to fear from Flynn, then stokes new controversy with tweet

Experts Say Trump Tweet Provides Ammo For Obstruction of Justice Case
The president said in a tweet that he knew Flynn lied to FBI when he fired him.

Top Democrat Says Trump May Have Obstructed Justice, Based On His Own Tweets
Sen. Dianne Feinstein thinks “we’re beginning to see the putting together of a case” against the president.

Mike Flynn Wasn’t Robert Mueller’s ‘Big Fish.’ Why The Trump Team Should Be Worried.
Trump’s former national security adviser admitted lying to the FBI. Who’s next?


Hours after Senate GOP passes tax bill, Trump says he’ll consider raising corporate rate

Bernie Sanders Warns GOP That America Is Waking Up To Giveaways For The Rich
“Our vision, your vision, is gaining momentum all across this country,” the Vermont senator told those gathered at a rally in Ohio on Saturday.


North Korea says US-South Korea military drills drive them to 'brink of a nuclear war'

The Folly of Deploying US Tactical Nuclear Weapons to South Korea

US stealth jets arrive in South Korea as North Korean rhetoric heats up
North Korean, US officials both say dangers of war growing
US and South Korea to hold weeklong air combat exercise


Trump Withdraws U.S. From UN Migrant And Refugee Compact
The pact’s “global approach” was “simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty,” said Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the UN.
Continuing his “America First” approach to foreign policy, President Donald Trump has pulled the U.S. out of a United Nations compact seeking global cooperation to protect the safety and rights of refugees and migrants.
Trump’s decision to end America’s “participation in the Global Compact on Migration” was disclosed on Saturday by the U.S. Mission to the U.N. Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., explained in a statement that the pact’s “global approach” was “simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.”
“[O]ur decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone. We will decide how best to control our borders and who will be allowed to enter our country,” Haley said.

United States Ends Participation in Global Compact on Migration

New York Declaration


Roiled by Roy Moore sexual misconduct accusations, the Alabama Senate race has gone off the rails - AP
Roy Moore's campaign for the open Alabama seat in the US Senate has been rocked by sexual misconduct allegations.
He has denied all of the accusations, villainizing the press for printing the stories, and encouraging his supporters to rail against the media.
The special election is December 12.

McConnell Says He’ll Let Alabama Voters ‘Make the Call’ on Roy Moore

Paul Ryan Struggles To Explain Why Trump Shouldn’t Have To Resign Over Sexual Misconduct Claims
He said he’s only focused on misconduct in Congress.


Trump Finds Loopholes in Chief of Staff’s New Regime
Kelly establishes control, but the president’s ‘workarounds’ show its limits

What's different about a Trump Christmas?
"Merry Christmas," the president told reporters as he walked across the South Lawn.

Wrenched From Scandal to Success, Trump Looks Ahead, and Over His Shoulder

Trump has given staffers assignments and told them not to tell Kelly: report


U.S. Allies Fret As ‘Guillotine’ Hangs Over Rex Tillerson - Reuters
European leaders yearn for stability in U.S. foreign policy.

Dalai Lama Meets ‘Old Trusted Friend’ Barack Obama In India To Discuss World Peace
The two met in New Delhi to discuss promoting peace and a “sense of oneness” in a divided world.

In Massachusetts, Protesters Balk At Pipeline Company’s Payments To Police
Records reveal that Kinder Morgan has paid state police $773,000 to guard their pipeline.

It’s The Memory-Wiping Tech From ‘Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind,’ But For Trump (Eternal Sunshine Of The Trumpless Mind Funny or Die)
Someone get Elon Musk on the phone.

Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties
WASHINGTON — A conservative operative trumpeting his close ties to the National Rifle Association and Russia told a Trump campaign adviser last year that he could arrange a back-channel meeting between Donald J. Trump and Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, according to an email sent to the Trump campaign.
A May 2016 email to the campaign adviser, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line “Kremlin Connection.” In it, the N.R.A. member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn’s longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders.
Russia, he wrote, was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would attempt to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., to make “‘first contact.’” The email, which was among a trove of campaign-related documents turned over to investigators on Capitol Hill, was described in detail to The New York Times.
Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, secured a guilty plea on Friday from President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, for lying to the F.B.I. about contacts with Moscow’s former ambassador to the United States. But those contacts came after Mr. Trump’s improbable election victory.
The emailed outreach from the conservative operative to Mr. Dearborn came far earlier, around the same time that Russians were trying to make other connections to the Trump campaign. Another contact came through an American advocate for Christian and veterans causes, and together, the outreach shows how, as Mr. Trump closed in on the nomination, Russians were using three foundational pillars of the Republican Party — guns, veterans and Christian conservatives — to try to make contact with his unorthodox campaign.

Report: Operative with NRA ties offered Trump campaign “Kremlin Connection,” meeting with Putin
The Trump campaign was contacted by a conservative operative to set up a back-channel meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the New York Times reported Sunday. The alleged connection represents another effort from the Russians to ingratiate themselves with President Donald Trump during the 2016 election.
According to an email obtained by the Times, which was turned over as part of the congressional investigations into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, operative Paul Erickson wrote an email to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn in May 2016 titled “Kremlin Connection” that asked for Dearborn and then-adviser Jeff Sessions’ advice on how to connect Trump with the Russian leader.
Erickson, the Times reported, is a conservative activist and member of the National Rifle Association. The operative’s NRA connection reportedly allowed Erickson to establish ties to Russia. The report said he worked with Maria Butina, founder of the Russian gun-rights group Right to Bear Arms, and traveled to Russia in 2015 as part of an NRA delegation.


Tax Bill Offers Last-Minute Breaks for Developers, Banks and Oil Industry


U.S. Tech CEOs Tout China Cooperation Amid Tighter Internet Rules
Apple, Cisco CEOs talk up Chinese partnerships amid cyber clampdown

China's Xi says country will not close door to global internet
"The development of China's cyberspace is entering a fast lane...China's doors will only become more and more open," said Xi in the note
Cyber sovereignty is the idea that states should be permitted to manage and contain their own internet without external interference

Innovation heralds a new online era



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