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12/18/17 9:59 PM

#116898 RE: DesertDrifter #116895

Like I said, we need the democraps to outright steal our money for giveaway programs.
And another democrap illogical premise.
The government has no right to money that is earned by the citizens.
The "tax cuts" are just favors giving the money back to those who earned it.
If you were concerned about the well being of your fellow man, the first thing to shutter would be the IRS, followed within hour by the closure of the bank rigged and run FED.
Then you'd be on the right track.
To worry about "tax breaks" as the democraps let all the bankers who committed fraud go scot free, is a little late. The "horse" is out of the barn.
You're screwed whether it's a democrap or republitard in office.
Both will screw you - maybe one will screw you in a way that's more to your liking, but you're still being screwed.
There is no such thing as a "good" government.
It's always the lesser of evils.
You don't know that, then your no better than a sheep being "protected" by a wolf.
But, reading and watching the news, most people accept the fact that the wolf will gobble them up.
What free loving human being would be happy with that is beyond the scope of any intelligent person.
As Forrest Gump says. "Ya can't fight stupid"
And this, my friend, is why America is doomed.
You get a gold star as a prime example. People like you are more than willing to lead and allow America to be destroyed.
Hopefully, I will not live to see that day. (I'm 65)
But, it's a lot closer than you think.