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12/18/17 4:58 PM

#143022 RE: kura #143018

Who the flippers? Steve doesn't care what flippers think and do.

A lesson in how the market works seems to be in order. Because he should. He should care about flippers as much as he does longs. Any CEO worth 2 cents knows that you can not succeed with out traders passing your stock around and creating movement upwards and downwards. Longs as you call them or another word for institutional investors on the big boards are a big part of a stocks success. But traders move the price, not longs.

But no stock, not Apple, or Google or ONCI can survive with out the traders. You can not have a successful stock if there is not reward for the risk of investing. Reward comes from people selling at a higher price then they bought it for and new investors buying that higher price. And this has to happen more then just can not become a major player if you only move on news. Demand has to be a consistent thing..momo as we call it. Its what drove this from double zero to .019 But since then its been dilution and miss opportunities created by Steve. All with the accepted reason by longs who refuse to see the writing on the wall. Like yours truly was, but experience is telling me its time to re think this as a long term investment.

I you think that being a long who is up 7000 percent is going to keep this stock up because they add a few shares on the dips your wrong. No stock ever kept a long share holder group happy by staying in the same trading range for months or years on end.

ONCI is now officially mired in a price range that has lasted longer then the sudden run up from trips and double zeros. It will not be long before this comes crashing down if Steve continues to run this as he has over the past month or so. He has missed ever single self imposed dead line as well as every promised big time PR. Its been 4 weeks since we were enticed with Careem as the big giant play in Dubai. All we have are twitter promises of big things coming and excuses as to why they have not. FINERA, HERINAS, LANGUAGES BEING TRANSLATED FOR THE APP.

Dont think your going to walk down streets made of gold bricks if this stock misses one more deadline like he has with his Fins are done and will be posted on 12/15. I guarantee you the on Feb 1st if there is no Audited Financials posted this will see .002 in one days trading. And your longs will be the ones holding the bag, if they have not already fled the building. Look at the top of the main page more yellow numbers, the biggest followed posters have left the building...they too have lost faith in this getting anything done. I could go back and dig out dozens of posts where people said, longs said, "Thank God Oct is done, now we can get this moving. November will be the start of us heading towards 02.03 and double digits. Yet here we are mid Dec and no closer to a penny then we were 5 weeks ago.

This stock has the ear marks of OTC giant success stories of the past that are now on the dead pile. Sponge Tech SPNG, selling product in every Walmart in the country, miss managed and now out of business...went from sub penny to double pennys. Longs held their shares and now many of them can tell you stories of being rich on paper but now broke from being lied to. Seaway Valley bought a 20 store chain 100 year old hardware company, went from .007 to .08 now bankrupt and out of business due to mismanagement... TALK, the iPod case converter to make each iPod a phone. Went from double pennys to $2.00 out of business. WNBD went from 002 to 05 now a bidless stock There are 100 upon hundreds of them.

ONCI is at this point a mirror of them all... I have seen them in my 15 years of trading at this level. Steve was one of the good guys in the beginning. A man who hit the deadlines and made the right moves... but it appears he has now ran out of ways to pull the rabbit out of the hat. All he can do is come up with one lame excuse after another as to why all we should be is be PATIENT. The most single feared word in sub penny or penny land... is when a CEO tells everyone to be Patient, its a RED flag and we have now seen it waved with vigor since Dubai.

Good Luck to all of us... we desperately need it at this time.