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10/01/06 9:32 PM

#5524 RE: Gold Seeker #5515

You merely state the obvious, based on a whole lot of "ifs"!!! Anybody can play devil's advocate, living in the land of hypotheticals!

If I won the lottery next week and chose to receive the payment in one lump sum, Uncle Sam would eat me up in taxes. I should take the 26 payments, see, because that would ease the tax burden. Maybe I should open a LLC, then, maybe I could create a tax shelter, ... .

The point is, we should focus on what is most probable. Abbott obviously sees promise or they would not have licensed it. I propose that Abbott not only believes in the technology, but has already invested more than a few million dollars in developing Recaf, and they have not returned the license. Abbott is under no pressure to make any anouncement regarding Recaf development and it is in there best interest to hold off on such an announcement until they are ready to go to the FDA for trials, because of the pending milestone payment that would be triggered by making any such an announcement, which would be in the milions.

The bottom line is, I am willing to take the risk because I like the odds. You don't, and are not willing to take the risks. I am not encouraging anybody to do anything. My investment speaks for itself. I am long on this, period. So, let's wait for the outcome, compare notes, and then dicuss the should'ves, could'ves and the would'ves. I hope your conservative investment practices correspond nicely with your situation. If I was 60+ I'd be conservative as well, but I am much younger, have different cicumstances and enough time to recover from mistakes before I reach my 60's.