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12/17/17 11:47 PM

#49413 RE: Angela09 #49410

In the stock market, there are no such thing as a "phatom of the opera"...a term which I often joked around which...describing the so called "unknown crooked bidwhackers" during the last 18tg is a childish excuse @ this point, if management says they don't know who have been selling...they know exactly who have been...just look at the rise in the share structure...

Furthermore, there are federal regulator...agencies...$EC, FINR@, n the F#I...if they really want to investigate...then they could trade down every single trade ...down to the right minute and second...even trades going back to as far as the mid 80s...stupid crooked often don't know about that...until they got slap with ton of evidences...

I hope the next big news will not follow with ton of bidwhacking...

In the last 18th months...alwaya, every good news often turn into bad trading...selling...making the stock ended in the red zone...9 out of 10 times...with the news, promo & bid whacking happened last was disgusting...truly fit the definition of a classic Pinksheet P&D...n i truly hope the major seller(s) on that day would begin to pray...because all the selling $ they have been accumulating will not be enough to post a bail later on ...even if they sell all the nice cars n will be impossible to escape a criminal suits...



12/18/17 11:10 AM

#49428 RE: Angela09 #49410

...or maybe, just maybe, thi9s whole thing was a Potemkin Village and A-Rod and his crew were dumping their shares at every opportunity.

Sure beats going back to managing a chain restaurant, doesn't it?