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12/15/17 4:36 PM

#45369 RE: ButtersOnARoll #45367

Vringo won at the IPR and so did VirnetX. However the USPTO ran a merrygo round for 7 years allowing constant stabs at the Patents until finally they let one thru. Voip pal can also sit for 7 years more in Federal Court and XYZ co can take equal stabs until one gets thru. Its a racket and SCOTUS knows it now but there are Supreme Court Judges like Kagan and Ginsburg who like it that way.

Go figure. All of these that have made it thru the bulk process before getting shot down all start with "V"

Vringo, Inc (now FORM)
VirnetX (VHC)
Voip-Pal (VPLM)