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12/15/17 7:12 AM

#39806 RE: Lavrege #39805

evidently the recharging system doesn't work...

which is why the bot needs to be plugged in....
I am only allowed 15 posts a day not 20....lmao

Reason that Knightscope and Sharp don't have swarm tech is because they don't need to have several bots to patrol an area and the SOC center automatically assigns routes for their bots...

technically on another note RADS rental isn't autonomous if it needs to be plugged in,
Swarm technology increases the security guard robot's abilities to successfully patrol any given area, and enables a security operations center to coordinate the paths of multiple robots when they travel.whereas RAD needs someone to assign it's patrols routes....too funny

the Costco rental robot is patrolling from 9pm to 7am in order to avoid collisions during the daylight hours with people and vehicles..

Am I striking fear, why would I do that????
I am only stating obvious, and fundamentally sound facts...064 pps pretty much reinforces that...

let's see some real financials and some real SEC filings, along with some real pictures and videos of the Bots working...

Knightscope and Sharp do this as well as Cobalt..forgot that one HUH..
let's see some real action beyond posts on a message board or twitter..

not going to happen right..

omvs..............too funny

ps the reason why no pics or videos is because there is no other deployments beyond costco....or romeo