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12/14/17 10:34 PM

#21170 RE: fireopal #21169

fireopal- I like having people like you around to keep balance with conversation but I'm trying to let you know things have settled out.

For one, Hirschman is gone and does not own any shares thru Sileas.

Two, all those Series A preferreds that Alpha had are redeemed so the share count recently reported (9.99% OS common) should be accurate and don't have to worry about preferreds (other than a small amount of Series C I believe but not sure whom owns those and it's a small amount of dilution).
Not only that, Alpha waived some accrued dividends on those Series A not long ago which I think shows they are not in to scalp things and sacrificed a little bit for the survival off the company when times were tough.

Three, Longview certainly is the biggest holder but look what OPXS did: they settled more than $13 million in debt by paying $700K to retire some shares at only $0.74 thatLongview had just picked up in the debt settlement and issuing like 2.8 million shares to compensate the rest.

Wouldn't you do that deal if you had the chance and at OPXS? And the only control Longview has is thru common, not that potentially caustic debt that always had me shying away from risking even a nickel on this.

Now OPXS is basically debt free, has cash, is paying a dividend and has some growth avenues going forward in both military and commercial side in the coming years.

They're leaner and better operationally from op profit standpoint I think if Q4 goes anywhere near like I think it can and look to have their best operational year since before they went public in 2009 and when I think 90% of the company was bought for something like $13 mill back then vs current market cap and better profitability ahead plus more diverse customer base? What's not to like compared to back then?

Plus they picked up Applied Optics on the very cheap at the very bottom of suffering from Sequestration for roughly $1 mill. Nice! In relation to land armored vehicles and sequestration not directly hurting OPXS- remember when a general said something to the effect of we didn’t need any more tanks? Times have changed and look what the AMPV program alone could do for the company over the next decade. Exciting to me.

I like Optex here.
OK good luck, all IMO only.