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12/14/17 5:00 PM

#247114 RE: Doubledown75 #247113

In an ideal system it would create competition. To compete with Comcast and Verizon would require setting up Cable lines or Fiber lines, which would probably cost so much that they would probably not see profits for years until it finally started putting them in the green. To which Comcast and/or Verizon COULD lower their price just enough to stay competitive, and then the other company eventually dies out, and then they just raise their price again.

This is a monopoly (duopoly?) and they can do whatever they want. The internet isn't a finite resource like water, all they have to do is keep it On, which is something that has been going on for the public since ~1995 without any problems, why now with even more advanced technology is it becoming a problem over 20 years later. Not to mention that this opens the NSA and the government itself to basically keep tabs on people again like with what Snowden blew the whistle on.