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12/14/17 4:26 PM

#189559 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #189558


Porgie Tirebiter

12/14/17 4:56 PM

#189563 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #189558

Edward, please take the idle ramblings to another board. I know it's easy to fall into that here but we really would like to maintain this board for its intended purpose. Thanks. :-)

Paulie Cashews

12/15/17 1:13 PM

#189565 RE: IH Admin [Edward] (Retired) #189558

Yes, the First Rule of Thesaurus Club is: you don't talk about, speak of, discuss, chin-wag, gab, converse, gossip, or chit-chat about Thesaurus Club.

Click Here: Before engaging in an IHUB comment fight, you'd better make sure your spelling is better than your opponent.