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12/14/17 3:24 PM

#57867 RE: short_slayer #57856

Sent an email to Tom Nelson IR for OCSY.

Tom Nelson <> Today at 1:18 PM

Message body (IR's RESPONSE)
1. yes! 2. We update every quarter.

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 12:38 PM, wrote:
Hi Tom!
The news was not received well by the iHub community but drove a good bit of volume which is always great...I’m long regardless.
I’d like to ask a couple questions if I may,

1. I was wondering if you are expecting any of the 3 organizations to finalize a contract in 2017.
2. Also, will there be a frequency that the TA can update the share structure on otc markets website, such as monthly?



Please excuse any typos.