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06/30/01 3:04 PM

#9855 RE: LaShark #9854

One thing that they discussed re sales was that they were adding three more sales people to cover areas of the country that are not currently covered. They also said that they "owned the saltwater market" but their intent is to now aggressively go after the fresh water market as well. My comment to them about that was that if the cameras performed so well in saltwater, which is really hard on equipment, how much better would they hold up in fresh water???

Also, the production delays were explained, GE couldn't provide enough bulbs and there were problems with the boards (a chip was faulty I believe) and something else I can't remember right now. Those things caused the problems with the delays and everything has now been resolved. So basically they have the money and the capability to manufacture as many of these cameras as they sell. SH


06/30/01 4:47 PM

#9857 RE: LaShark #9854

LaShark, it's only began back in May....

It's clear to me that, as the product hits the shelves and catalogs of the retailers, it's going to start moving in substantial quantities...

As mentioned earlier, there is a time lag between signing a vendor's Agreement with some big names and getting actual sales... Don't forget the "word of mouth" and the "keep up with the Jones" syndrom: all of that takes time to kick in...

The main thing is that SEVU can ramp up production quickly, as demand picks up... I believe it will...

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +


06/30/01 5:16 PM

#9858 RE: LaShark #9854

Chris, I did not come away from the meeting with that impression at all (the SecureViews not selling like hotcakes). On the contrary, I got the feeling that management was in no hurry to fill the backorders, and was confirming these old orders selectively, starting with the credit card orders and any others that offered immediate payment. The large bulk of the $9mil backorders are with 30-60 day terms, and that would put us back 2 months on the cash flow. More importantly, orders are about to come in from SkyMall, Supercircuits, Costco, Smarthome, etc. and management needs to apportion a percentage of their production to fill these new orders, otherwise they lose credibility re: being able to fill orders in a timely fashion. (I'll bet they already have a little stash of Secureviews salted away for these new orders.)

I was impressed with our new team. I think they know their jobs, and that came across, even though it appeared that public speaking is not their favorite thing.

JMHO, Golfnut