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General Grievous

12/13/17 10:40 AM

#118510 RE: tothe #118508

AMFE SCAM EXPOSED!!!!! Background: couple months ago I expressed with others my concerns with the audit review process taking extremely longer than anticipated.. I also made a comment in one of my posts saying “maybe the auditors found something and that is why the delay” also said maybe their numbers were not accurate and could’ve participated in “clever accounting” to make their numbers seem better”

Well it turns out I was right! Read this from their 12/5 press release:

It clearly states that they made a “mistake” and reported some of their sales as “net” as opposed to “gross”... well!! That’s a huge mistake!! Not only because their net proceeds were actually quite small, but they were happily touting (they as in them and long shareholders) as a profitable company with much more profits to come..

Also.. because of these “mistakes”. The audit process will take even longer now which means any dividend will also be delayed longer as they need to review much more since the auditors found this “mistake”

I can’t believe it but sadly I was right!! Smh.. sad part is that many of the shareholders were buying because of all of this and nothe they are stuck holding a questionable bag... sorry