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08/27/03 12:27 PM

#2426 RE: XV19 #2423

Hi Dave,

The merger or reverse merger is where the real risk in this SPARE CASINO MONEY ONLY play lies.

I would not be the least bit surprised - based on historical perfromance - if the final analysis showed that PREFERRED SHARES were swapped at a 1:1 ratio while COMMON SHARES were swapped at a 10,000:1 ratio. In other words, Frank, the Weiner, Goldman, etc. will manage to siphon off the lion's share of value leaving the common shareholders with a damp and bottomless bag.

The other possible"...SCHMOOZE..." will be a "..Richard Altomare (USXP) screw-over..", where they dump a majority of their debt onto the shareholders by giving everyone $2+ NEVER-HAPPEN WARRANTS in some new B-17 & SUBMARINE SCREENDOOR COMPANY aka: QFRT - in lieu of shares in the latested merged kludge.

GAAY/QBID's management has shown over time that their primary interest is to line their pockets by subterfuge and slight-of-hand corporate flip-flops, thinking that the massive size of the Ad market will buy-off any shareholders and cover their tracks.

Anybody need a new tire for their B-17...........??? There will probably be BIG SALE soon......

John :-)


08/27/03 1:00 PM

#2430 RE: XV19 #2423


IMVHO--I just don't see how an R/S (or something like that if QBID merges with a fully reporting shell) is not going to happen. QBID has no revenue to speak of. And it has a )#))#load of shares

I agree on both counts....QBID has no revenues and it has a boatload of shares and will need more to put on market if they can't obtain private placement IMO until revenues come in from a launch if it happens

This is probably first and foremost in the thinking of TMM if there is any truth to the rumor of the r/s....and logically
how can anyone conclude they can run a company without revenues. Secondly, to blame Frank at this point is questionable to me because TWC is the one with the standards of what they expect and TTN is the one that has to adhere to these standards...

This is a waiting game, frustrating to us, but a very typical business model....startup, little cash, potentially good product, increase shares to cover expenses, plug, plug, plug, get a break with the big one (in this case TWC)and learn how the corporate world really acts with rules and regulations and having to change to conform to me not unusual at all, but to most folks here with little real world upper level business management experience and exposure I can certainly understand why they don't understand this....

As I said, I just left a situation similiar to this in a major corporation and the way we think things should run is not how they run in the real corporate life.
