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09/29/06 2:34 PM

#5482 RE: mysscat #5479

Now that you mention it, "mysscat" you are completely right. Unfortunately, for the board, I believe they are like flies around dung, though they know they are antagonistic and unwanted, we can't get rid of them. I suppose the best we can hope for is to ignore them and not give them a platform to speak on! Is there an ignore feature on this board? I'd like to block Gold seeker and Reverse. They have not posted one useful message since they have been here. What a waste of board space!!! They probably don't own any shares, either. What kind of a person would spend hours posting and checking a board when they have no vested interest? Let me guess, someone with no life! A social misfit or geek! A paid basher?

A normal, mentally healthy person that led an enriched life certainly would not be hanging around here, with nothing to gain or lose from this investment! We are dealing with a pair of misfits, folks!
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09/29/06 4:41 PM

#5491 RE: mysscat #5479 know where i stand on that